Nov 26, 2023

The mechanics at your GMC dealer are always the best people to go to when you’re having electrical problems. They receive ongoing training that keeps them up to date on all the latest diagnostic equipment and lets them understand the intricacies of every newly released car. Electrical issues can crop up now and then, so you should learn to recognize them and head to the dealer when they arise.

5 Electrical Problems You Should Always Fix at Your GMC Dealer

1. Alternator Issues

Your alternator has one of the most important jobs in your whole car. It’s responsible for charging the battery, which powers your entire electrical system. If the alternator is in trouble, then your whole electrical system is in trouble. If you notice any of the electronic components in the car have slowed down or stopped working, then it’s a sure sign you’re having alternator trouble that should be fixed at the dealer ASAP.

2. Battery Issues

Your car battery can start experiencing problems after a few years. It could start leaking acid, or you might find that it’s simply not strong enough to hold a charge anymore. A faulty battery should be replaced as soon as possible. Although the battery can often be jumpstarted when your car isn’t starting, there’ll come a time when it simply can’t be jumpstarted anymore and absolutely must be replaced at the dealer.

3. Fuses Issues

Like all fuses, the fuses in your car can blow. This is usually a really simple fix, but it should still be done by an expert. A blown fuse can make your car’s electrical components slow down or stop working, as can other electrical issues in the car, so an expert needs to get under the hood and figure out what the problem is so they can fix it.

4. Spark Plug Issues

Your spark plugs ignite the fuel and air mixture in your car’s engine to get the engine to turn over. When one or more of the spark plugs are faulty, you’ll find your car stalling or having trouble starting. You need to get to the dealer so a GMC mechanic can get in there and replace the faulty plug for you.

5. Battery Terminal or Cable Issues

Cables connect your entire electrical system to the battery. If there’s corrosion on your battery terminals, then it can interfere with the connections to the wiring. The wires themselves can also become damaged by rodents getting into your car and chewing the cables. The mechanic at the dealership can fix terminal and cable problems easily.

Is your car having any of the electrical issues we talked about above? Don’t sweat it. Bring your car to us and we can fix it for you at Mansfield GMC.